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Rosamunda M Beatty lit a candle
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hello brother n law Thinking about you and missing you love you very much
Rosamunda M Beatty Blaine lit a candle
Monday, February 5, 2024

Hey brother-in-law you are truly missed look forward to seeing you again in the resurrection your wife miss you dearly. Love you brother
Rosamunda M Beatty Blaine posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Rosamunda M Beatty Blaine posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, February 1, 2024

My dear brother-in-law you are greatly missed and greatly loved. See you in the resurrection.... love always your sister-in-law Rosie
Rachel Blaine lit a candle
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Daddy you heard the call and excepted the invitation ..my heart cries out just to hear your sweet gentle voice and see your beautiful smile just one more time !! I know I will see you again in paradise and sing right along with you for our Heavenly Father, but until that time come's rest peacefully love your Baby Girl!! Mommy it hurts to see you so broken and lost without dad , 40 yrs is a long time being a devoted loving wife and to lose your love all I can say the pain must be hurtful and heavy on your heart , no words can't even being to heal you except Gods words. I love you so dearly hang on to God mommy he knows your pain and hears the cries of your heart .To my Brother Joshua, the strength and weight you carry on your shoulders of our family is truly amazing even though I may be the eldest but I look up to you with amazement you have a beautiful soul and heart of gold just like Daddy and I love you so from the heart .
I've gone through the fire , and I've been through the flood , I've been broken into pieces, seen lighting flashing from above. But through it all I remember that he loves me and he cares , And he'll never put more on me than I can bear. " Kirk Franklin "
Dear lord thank you for allowing me to have Daddy in my for the time you gave him . Every song , laughter , hugs the smiles I will cherish always and never forget. send your loving Angles to wrap there wings around my mother lord she needs you more than ever and only you can give her that peace and comfort she desires .Bless over my brother he's strong will lord but deep down i know he is hurting as well not just for him but for his son Luke who loved his Opa . And Lord keep me wrapped and covered in your arms give me the strength to continue to smile and laugh and sing just as my Daddy did. Amen.
Gone too soon
Rosamunda M Beatty Blaine posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, January 22, 2024

My dear beautiful beloved sister my heart goes out to you and Rachel and Josh and your grandchildren. You lost a husband of 40 plus years not only was he your husband but he was your best friend your lover was the one you consoled with. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now but I see the pain and hurt in your face and your eyes. I see the pain and hurt in Rachel, Ray daughter his one and only baby girl NO ONE ELSE has the right to even claim that title and anyone that claims that title should be ashamed of themselves and they are the work of their true father satan. I think about how you told me that you had just spoken with your husband and that you told him that you will be home in 15 minutes because you guys were supposed to go Christmas shopping for your children and grandchildren and then you guys were supposed to go out to dinner. I imagine the smile on Ray's face when you told him you will be pulling up in 15 minutes, His excitement and the happiness he felt to go do his Christmas shopping for his family. And just in that 15 minutes was all it took for things to change for the worse. For your world and his children's world to turn upside down. I loved your poem my dear sister. Something to think about. My heart goes out to my husband who Not only lost his brother but his best friend his hanging out partner. I just want to tell all my family that I love each and every one of you and that you will see our dear beloved Ray who has fallen asleep in death. Remember he's just sleeping and you will see him again in the resurrection and all of us as a family will be able to not only greet Ray with hugs and kisses but we'll be able to celebrate life again the precious gift of life that the one and only the true God Jehovah has given us. My dear family meditate on the scripture Below And I hope that it brings comfort to your hearts and to your minds ,as it does mine.
John 5:25-29
(25)Most truly I say to you, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who have paid attention will live. (26) For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. (27) And he has given him authority to do judging, because he is the Son of man. (28) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice (29) and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
You see my dear family God has the last saying. God has determined that we will see all of our loves ones again all our family members that have fallen asleep in death we will see them again. My dear beautiful sister I know you are in so much pain. It's so hard to say Goodbye just as the song speaks "it's so hard to say Goodbye to yesterday....you had 40 plus years with your husband nothing and no one Can ever take that away those memories are forever in your heart and in your photo album and on your mind. My dear beautiful sister you were there before he took his last breath a tear rolled down the right side of his face when you laid your head on his chest and you said", I loved you my dear husband. He heard you crying dear sister he heard the voice of his wife. But there was nothing that he could do he was already called. My dear sister Heddie, Devoted wife God-fearing woman, my dear niece and nephew and great nephews always stay close to God draw closer to him and he will draw even closer to you. Keep the faith and know that he hears your cries he knows your pain and he will make it right. Keep his word and his promises embedded in your HEART and on your MIND and watch your blessings rain down. I love you my dear family. Love always forever your sister, your wife and aunt "Rosie". A CHANGE IS GONNA COME
Rosamunda M Beatty Blaine posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, January 21, 2024

I will miss my dear wonderful beloved brother n law. I pray that his wife Who is my sister finds comfort in this sad time I pray that my niece RACHEL who is HIS ONE AND ONLY BABY GIRL finds comfort in this sad time. I Pray that his son Joshua who is his ONE AND ONLY SON finds comfort in This SAD Time of grieving. Ray was a family man who LOVED HIS WIFE HIS DAUGHTER BABY GIRL RACHEL, HIS SON AND HIS GRANDKIDS. no one could ever come between that. To my sister my niece my nephew and my great-nephew's I love you guys my heart goes out to all of you and you will be in my prayers always . My heart is forever broken and I hurt because I see the hurt that you guys are enduring but just know that you will see Ray again and you will be able to greet him and hug him and kiss your HUSBAND again.
Love always your sister Rosie

A Memorial Tree was planted for Ray Blaine Jr.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Randallstown Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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