The Amazing Ways a Bucket List can Transform Your Life

Sunday, December 29, 2019

“If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and every day you have the opportunity to write a new page.” - Mark Houlahan 

At any age, a bucket list can be life changing. It’s important to take time for things you enjoy most—the life experiences that have the uncanny ability to make you feel exhilarated and relaxed at the same time.

One effective strategy for ensuring that you take the time for the fun things in life, as well as achieving some important goals you may have, is to create a bucket list. Defined as “a number of experiences that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime”, a bucket list is basically a to-do list for life. You might be surprised by the powerful benefits this seemingly simple exercise can offer: 

Get in touch with your values.

We all have a finite amount of time in each day. When you make a list of all the things you’d like to accomplish, it can act as a way to identify what’s most important to you. As you gain perspective on how you’re spending your time, it can encourage you to change the focus of your energies and place them on the things that really matter the most. 

Encourage focus.

When this thing called life takes over and things get busy, we tend to focus more on completing or our day-to-day tasks and less on our long-term goals for enjoyment. A bucket list will give you a sense of direction that allows your mind to focus on the target rather than getting sidetracked with the trivial. It will help you determine your end goal and the steps that need to be taken to get there, making it easier to keep your eye on the prize. By regularly referring to it, your bucket list can also give you the ability to reenergize your focus and sustain the momentum needed to achieve your dreams. 

Engage your creativity.

Creating a bucket list can help you tap into the imaginative part of you that dreams bigger and nurtures your inner child. Usually when we create goals for ourselves, we limit them due to financial constraints or time restrictions. But a bucket list does the opposite: it’s meant to encourage you to imagine what could be and to open your mind to endless possibilities. 

Get out of your comfort zone.

Being inside your comfort zone minimizes stress and risk. That makes it easy not to push the boundaries, because it feels pretty darn cozy inside of that little bubble. Unfortunately, though, you also miss out on the incredible benefits that come with taking a risk. It can lead to serious personal growth—expanding your mindset, teaching you valuable lessons, and increasing your confidence. Every time you step out of your comfort zone, it gets a little bit easier. And then you truly have the world at your feet.  

Now that you’re sold, where should you begin?

First, you need a place to construct and monitor your bucket list. Whether you prefer a notebook, a Word document, or an app on your phone, the choice is yours. Use whatever vehicle is most comfortable for you and then put those aspirations on your list. Remember, only you are the architect of your dreams! Small or big, easy or difficult, short term or long term, there’s a place for everything on your bucket list.

Need help getting started?

As your wheels start turning and the flood gates of your dreams open, it might feel a bit overwhelming. To hone in on your bucket list items, ask yourself some important questions, such as:  

  • What place or places have you always wanted to visit? 
  • Who would you most like to meet? 
  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn, such as a foreign language or how to play a musical instrument? 
  • What craft or activity do you find most intriguing? 
  • Are there specific places you’d like to eat or foods you want to taste? 
  • Is there an experience you’ve always dreamt of feeling?  
  • Are there any special moments you want to witness? 
  • Do you have any child hood dreams that you still want to fulfill? 

When you look back on your life, do you want 50-hour work weeks to dominate your memories? While we all have responsibilities to tend to, it’s important to enjoy life along the way. New experiences and dreams can nourish your spirit in ways that nothing else can, so make your bucket list a priority.                                                                                       

If you have questions about how to approach your bucket list or creating a plan for the next chapter in your life, please contact us. Our compassionate, caring team is always happy to help.  

About Vaughn Greene Funeral Services:  For more than 20 years, Vaughn Greene Funeral Services has been providing a ministry of care to Baltimore’s African American community. As a leading local, minority- and family-owned provider, we promise to provide our highest level of service and respect to families who entrust us to honor their loved one. For more information, please call us at 410.655.0015 or visit us online at 

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