Spring is the Season of Hope
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Hope springs eternal”. Spring and hope are intertwined our mind, body, and soul.

The healing potential of spring is undeniable, too. People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, type of depression linked to the shortage of sunlight in the winter, find that it goes into remission once springtime rolls around. The additional exposure to sunlight also increases our production of Vitamin D. This essential vitamin is responsible for promoting bone health, proper cell differentiation, and boosting immunity.
Spring also has a tendency to bring out the kid in all of us. There’s something about the rising temperatures after our confinement from the cold winter months that draws us outside and causes us to be a little giddy. We feel freer and happier. Even those who like winter rejoice when they see flowers poking through the ground and the trees starting to bud.
Spring fills us with hope and lifts our spirits. "The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring."