Staff Spotlight: Nadean Paige

By: Vaughn Greene Funeral Services
Monday, August 21, 2017

Nadean Paige is a doting mother, grandmother, and aunt who is devoted to her family, her friends, her faith, and her work.

For 12 years, she’s been helping families who are experiencing the loss of loved one and she finds it tremendously rewarding. Nadean’s long history with the Vaughn Greene Funeral Services family began in 1999, when her father was about to pass away after a battle with lung cancer. Nadean’s mother saw Mr. Vaughn Greene on a billboard and got a good feeling about the quality of funeral services his company could provide. Sure enough, Nadean and her mother were awestruck by the caring, compassionate way they were treated by everyone in the organization at that very difficult time. Every request was honored and the service was flawless.

When Nadean’s mother and sister passed away in the following years, she always turned to the trusted staff at Vaughn Greene Funeral Services. Eventually, an employment opportunity presented itself and Nadean jumped at the chance to work with the organization she held in such high regard. She started out as a hostess, and over the years has worked in various capacities at every Vaughn Greene location.

Currently, she serves as the Office Manager for the Compassionate Care Unit at the company’s Wildwood funeral home on Edmondson Avenue.  In this role,.Nadean coordinates all of the preparations for the deceased, as well as acting as a source of comfort and  information for grieving family members. Says Nadean, “To me, it’s not just a job. It’s a ministry to the families I serve.”

Q. Tell us about your family.
A. I have a wonderful son, Evan, who’s 30; a dear daughter-in-law, Karlise; and two fabulous grandsons, Makai who’s 15, and Omari who’s 2-1/2 and thinks he’s the boss of us all. They keep me on my toes!

Q. What do you like to do in your spare time?
A. I enjoy spending time with my family and being a grandmother; reading; and I’m an associate minister at my church.

Q. What’s your favorite movie?
A. “Love Jones”. It’s such a great love story.

Q. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A. It would have to be Maya Angelou. I’ve been reading her autobiography, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. It’s very poignant. She was such an inspirational person and she was accomplished in so many different areas.

Q. What would readers be surprised to know about you?
A. That I enjoy writing poetry and journaling. Also, I serve on the board of ARCO, the Alliance of Rosemont Community Organization, a coalition of 29 communities in the western part of Baltimore. I’m a member of Pu Gamma Mu, an honor society of the social sciences, as well.

Q. What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child?
A. I wanted to be a lawyer so I could help others to fight injustices. I also wanted to be a novelist….and I may still accomplish that goal!

Q. What’s your favorite motto?
A. I have a favorite scripture, “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).  It reminds me that in any situation, good or bad, God knows the purpose. You just have to trust in Him.

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