Clever Ways to Beat the Heat

By: Vaughn Greene Funeral Services
Monday, August 14, 2017

As temperatures soar and humidity rises, it can be hard on our bodies, our minds, and our health.

And if you don’t have air conditioning, the summer swelter can be even more challenging. Here are several ways to beat the heat:

Spray on some peppermint tea. Brew a pot of peppermint tea and stick it in the fridge. Once it's nice and cold, pour it into a spray bottle so you can mist yourself with it. The menthol in the tea will give your skin a tingly, cool feeling that’s more refreshing than plain water.

Chill your mattress. Put soft gel ice packs on top of the mattress and underneath the sheets. For maximum comfort, place them under your neck, legs or lower back. You can also freeze a cotton sock filled with rice to get the same cooling effect for a longer period of time.

Fashion a makeshift air conditioner. Freeze some water bottles and place them in front of a floor or desk fan and you'll enjoy a much cooler breeze with your makeshift air-conditioner

Drink frequently. The more you perspire, the higher your body temperature rises, so replacing fluids is essential to keeping cool. Water is always a good choice. Stay away from beverages that contain caffeine, alcohol, or lots of sugar, which are dehydrating.

Take cool showers. Taking frequent showers with tepid to cool water will help keep your body temperature down and rinse off sweat. Don’t make it too cold, though, because your body will overheat as it attempts to regain its normal temperature.

Run your wrists under cold tap water. Doing this for 10 seconds every hour will help cool your blood because a large vein runs through the area.

Block the sun. Closing curtains and blinds can reduce the amount of heat that passes into your home by as much as 45 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Go where it’s cool. If the temperature soars and you don't have air-conditioning, arrange to spend the hottest part of the day in a shopping mall, public library, movie theater, or other public space that’s cool.

Wear light colors. Dark colors absorb more heat than light ones, so stay clear of black. White, beige, and light pastels are the best shades for helping you stay cool.

Eat light meals and eat more often. The larger and more protein-laden the meal, the more metabolic heat your body creates to break down the food. Instead, opt for salads, fruits, and vegetables, which are easier to digest and contain fluids to help you stay hydrated.

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